Saturday 12 October 2013

Thieves Stealing Identities in Ohio

Identity theft is a rapidly growing area of crime and it’s become quite bad for many Ohio neighborhoods. In light of this fact, a new Identity Theft Crime Unit has been designed to investigate the more than 600 complaints filed in 2013 alone. The Identity Theft Unit helps people fix the problems they can’t resolve on their own when their identity has been compromised. Some of the problems Ohio residents are facing related to home security in OH include:

·         Mortgages they didn’t apply for suddenly appear on their credit reports
·         Bank accounts are mysteriously drained and left empty with no trace
·         Huge credit card bills begin appearing in their mailboxes – for items they never purchased or even saw

Read Original Article Here-

Ways to Stop Burglary With Home Security System

Stop burglary with home security system in NJ: Here are some of the ways:
  1. Integrated home security systems combine the ability to protect you and your family and pets from fire, carbon monoxide poisoning, and smoke.
  2. Protect what’s inside your home with water, temperature, and other detectors that prevent large-scale damage to your home from floods, freezes, and high temperatures.
  3. Motion sensors and glass break detection warn you if someone is attempting to break in by force and may be moving about your home.
  4. Home security cameras help you keep an eye on what’s going on inside and outside your home, no matter where you are.
  5. Camera recordings of break-ins have repeatedly made prosecuting criminals who do break in much easier to accomplish.
  6. Virtual GPS-defined fences protect children and the elderly from wandering off without your knowledge.
  7. Integrated home security means you can act upon the systems in your homes from your smartphone or computer – locking doors when the kids forget, arming/disarming the system to let in visitors, shutting the garage when you leave the driveway.
While home security systems were originally designed to deter burglars, the technology has advanced to do a lot more and homeowners now have far greater peace of mind than they ever did before with their home security. Read Original Post here-

Protect your Pets with a Home Security System

A homeowner’s desire to protect what is valuable to them extends from their personal property all the way to their beloved pets. Home security systems now offer security to the entire family – even to the furry members. The following tips demonstrate how home security systems are helping homeowners keep their golden retriever safe from an unexplained house fire or make sure the curious kitten doesn’t get outside. You can read original post here-
  • The latest home security systems are pet-immune with motion sensors that detect movement about your home by weight.
  • Home security cameras let you watch your pets remotely on your phone or computer, so you know if Max really is sleeping on the couch or not!
  • Smoke detectors connected to your home security means that the fire department can respond even when you are far away and your pets can be saved.
  • Sensors on key doors can tell you if one of your pets is in an off-limits area.
  • Weather alerts set up on your smartphone can warn you if there likely to be severe weather in your area so you can get home and stop Buster from chewing through the rug in a thunderstorm.
  • GPS-defined perimeters around your home can tell you if your pet has roamed beyond their area.
  • Carbon monoxide is a silent killer, even for pets. Connected sensors ensure that you and your home security monitoring system are alerted to the problem quickly.
These are just a few ways that pet owners are finding their home security system to be a vital part of protecting their pets. Having a home security system in NJ ensures that your family, your stuff, your home and your pets are protected at all times.